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9 children killed by Israeli airstrikes in Gaza as Hamas rockets target cities in Israel
Reportedly 24 killed including 9 children in Israeli airstrikes after rockets fired from Gaza
Israel airstrikes, 20 people, 9 of them children, died in Gaza, Palestinians
Israel warplanes unleash strikes in Gaza, killing 24 palestines including nine children
Israel & Hamas bombing blitz sees 60 children killed as Gaza suffers ‘deadliest day’ yet
Israeli air strike on hospital tent camp kills two Palestinians
Killed 42 Palestinians Including 10 Children's During Israeli Air Strike In Gaza Destroyed
Gaza towers collapse after explosion
Gaza City Littered With Debris After Latest Israeli Airstrikes
Israel Flattens Gaza Building Hosting AP, Al-Jazeera in Airstrike
Reporter's live broadcast from Gaza interrupted as missile hits tower
Children killed, 10 people hurt in Israeli air strike